How To Clean Urine Out Of A Mattress

how do i clean pee from a mattress

A clean and comfortable mattress is essential for a good night's sleep. However, accidents can happen, and sometimes, pee ends up on the mattress. In this guide, we will tell you the instructions on how do you get urine out of a mattress as much as possible.

What Kind of Urine?

As unpleasant as this topic is, it's best to know what kind of pee mark happened on the mattress. This will determine your course of action on how to clean the pee from your mattress.

Human Pee

This type of urine can be either darker or lighter and sometimes isn’t very smelly. These types of stains are easier to remedy

Dog Pee

Generally darker and yellower in color, these pee stains can sometimes be smelly. They are generally easier to medium difficulty to clean.

Cat Urine

These may be a variety of shades but are incredibly smelly. Cat urine contains sulfuric compounds and has a stench that is incredibly difficult to remove. Professional care is necessary. 

How to Get Urine Out a Mattress

Safety Preparation

Before cleaning the pee stain off your mattress, it's important to take some safety precautions to ensure that you are both protected. You'll want to wear gloves and some protective clothing, particularly if you have sensitive skin or any allergies. Additionally, make sure that the room is properly ventilated by opening the windows and using a fan.

Paper Towels

Blot the excess urine with absorbent towels or paper towels. Be gentle and avoid rubbing, as this can spread the stain and make it harder to remove. As mattresses are thick and absorbent, put down a lot of paper towels and put pressure on the stain area. This will push the urine below the surface into the paper towels. 

Baking Soda and Vinegar

You can try natural cleaners like baking soda and vinegar. Baking soda is basic and can kill germs. It is also a dry powder which can be absorbent as well as an odor deodorizer. Vinegar is acidic and can kill bacteria, which causes odors. Because one is basic, and the other is acidic, do not use them together because their pH levels will balance when mixed, rendering their properties useless. Use vinegar initially to kill any bacteria. Spray it on liberally and leave for 3 hours. Then apply baking soda and leave for 3 hours. Vacuum off. 

Enzymatic Cleaner

You can buy cleaners that are specifically designed for urine stains. Spray it on and the chemical will break down the urine salts. Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes. Then apply some clean water and blot dry. 

Steam Cleaning

You can purchase a consumer grade steam cleaner which can remove the urine stain. They employ cold or warm water which is injected into the fabric and then sucked up immediately afterwards, thus rinsing the fabric. Steam cleaning is also known as water extraction. These units are more expensive and you would probably have to buy them online. 

How to Prevent Future Pee Stains

If your child or pet is prone to urinating on the mattress, use a waterproof mattress protector to prevent any future urine stains. For young children, limit fluids before bedtime or have them use the bathroom before going to bed. For pets, train pets to sleep in their own designated area off the mattress or crate.

At-Home Urine Removal Remarks

Urine Will Remain

These methods will only partially remedy the situation as mattresses are very absorbent and paper towels cannot fully remove any liquid from a soft surface like a mattress. In addition, consumer-grade steam cleaners are not particularly powerful and will not have the sucking capabilities to remove urine much below the surface of the mattress.

Stains Will Become Permanent

If a urine stain is not properly cleaned by a professional, it will become permanent. About 80% of mattresses we encounter as professional cleaners have urine stains which do not come out. This is because the stain occurred and was not properly cleaned for months and often years. 

Benefits of Professional Mattress Cleaner

While attempting to remove pee stains from a mattress by yourself may partially remedy the situation, calling a professional will ensure that the mattress is totally clean and hygienic. 

Urine Stains Will Be Completely Removed

Professionals use industrial strength hot-water extractors to remove the urine from the mattress. A professional’s cleaning process and powerful machines can suck up all the urine that has seeped deep into the mattress. While they are at it, they will also remove all those body oils and dead skin cells which have accumulated on the mattress over years of use. Remember, we spend ⅓ of our lives sleeping so take care of your mattress!

Odors Will Be Removed

Homeowners may be able to minimize the smell of non fragrant urine, yet most urine has a strong smell. Using homemade methods will not be able to completely remove this smell. Professionals use industrial strength stain removers as well as deodorizers that ensure that the smell is completely eliminated. Furthermore, if the company is reputable, they will come back to clean again if the smell still remains after cleaning

Affordable Pricing

Mattress cleaning generally isn’t very expensive. Depending on the size of the spot, it will cost you, depending on your area, around $80-$200 at least in NYC. For a clean mattress that you can use for years to come, and peace of mind you are sleeping on a hygienic surface, the price is worth it. 

If you are looking for a professional mattress cleaner, contact us today for a free quote

Frequently Asked Questions

Human urine stains are less smelly and easier to clean. Dog urine is darker, sometimes smelly, and of medium cleaning difficulty. Cat urine, known for its strong smell due to sulfuric compounds, typically requires professional cleaning.

Wear gloves and protective clothing to protect sensitive skin and allergies, and ensure the room is well-ventilated by opening windows and using a fan.

Blot the excess urine with absorbent or paper towels without rubbing to avoid spreading the stain. Use plenty of towels and apply pressure to absorb as much urine as possible from the mattress.

Baking soda and vinegar can be used separately due to their opposing pH levels. First, apply vinegar to kill bacteria and leave it for 3 hours, then apply baking soda for another 3 hours to absorb and deodorize before vacuuming off.

Enzymatic cleaners are designed specifically for urine stains, breaking down urine salts. Spray the cleaner on the stain, allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes, then blot dry after applying some clean water.

Consumer-grade steam cleaners, which employ cold or warm water injection and immediate extraction, can remove urine stains through water extraction, although their effectiveness may be limited.

Use a waterproof mattress protector, limit fluids before bedtime for children, have them use the bathroom before bed, and train pets to sleep off the mattress.

Use a waterproof mattress protector, limit fluids before bedtime for children, have them use the bathroom before bed, and train pets to sleep off the mattress.

Home methods can only partially clean urine from mattresses due to their absorbency and the limited suction power of consumer-grade steam cleaners, possibly leaving stains permanent if not professionally cleaned.

Professional cleaners use industrial-strength hot-water extractors that can thoroughly remove urine, body oils, and dead skin cells, ensuring the mattress is clean and hygienic.

They guarantee complete urine and odor removal with industrial-strength stain removers and deodorizers, offer affordable pricing, and ensure a hygienic sleeping surface, with reputable companies offering re-cleaning if odors persist.

Blot with paper towels, apply vinegar then baking soda, use enzymatic cleaner or steam clean. For deep cleaning, or strong odor consider a professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

Human urine stains are less smelly and easier to clean. Dog urine is darker, sometimes smelly, and of medium cleaning difficulty. Cat urine, known for its strong smell due to sulfuric compounds, typically requires professional cleaning.

Wear gloves and protective clothing to protect sensitive skin and allergies, and ensure the room is well-ventilated by opening windows and using a fan.

Blot the excess urine with absorbent or paper towels without rubbing to avoid spreading the stain. Use plenty of towels and apply pressure to absorb as much urine as possible from the mattress.

Baking soda and vinegar can be used separately due to their opposing pH levels. First, apply vinegar to kill bacteria and leave it for 3 hours, then apply baking soda for another 3 hours to absorb and deodorize before vacuuming off.

Enzymatic cleaners are designed specifically for urine stains, breaking down urine salts. Spray the cleaner on the stain, allow it to sit for 5-10 minutes, then blot dry after applying some clean water.

Consumer-grade steam cleaners, which employ cold or warm water injection and immediate extraction, can remove urine stains through water extraction, although their effectiveness may be limited.

Use a waterproof mattress protector, limit fluids before bedtime for children, have them use the bathroom before bed, and train pets to sleep off the mattress.

Use a waterproof mattress protector, limit fluids before bedtime for children, have them use the bathroom before bed, and train pets to sleep off the mattress.

Home methods can only partially clean urine from mattresses due to their absorbency and the limited suction power of consumer-grade steam cleaners, possibly leaving stains permanent if not professionally cleaned.

Professional cleaners use industrial-strength hot-water extractors that can thoroughly remove urine, body oils, and dead skin cells, ensuring the mattress is clean and hygienic.

They guarantee complete urine and odor removal with industrial-strength stain removers and deodorizers, offer affordable pricing, and ensure a hygienic sleeping surface, with reputable companies offering re-cleaning if odors persist.

Blot with paper towels, apply vinegar then baking soda, use enzymatic cleaner or steam clean. For deep cleaning, or strong odor consider a professional.

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